Growth: baby & child charts

Growth: baby & child charts

Clafou Ltd
  • iOS 12.1 or later
  • 0.00$

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Possess the assurance that the growth of your child or infant is proceeding as it should. This software uses the most reliable growth reference data to depict your child’s development curves and produce precise percentiles.

The Growth: baby & child charts is an app to measure your child and track their growth using percentile-based growth charts.

• Perfect for infants and older kids of all ages
• Growth charts from the WHO and CDC (from birth to ages up to 20 years)
• Contains corrected age and Fenton prematurity charts.
• The metric system (kg, cm) and the US system (inches, lb, ft)
• Accurate percentiles for your child’s stature
• Charts that meet your needs and official print templates
• Email your measurement list, charts, and graphs.
• Move your data to different devices.
• Export data in CSV format to be used in spreadsheets or backups.
• Exporting PDFs and printing


• An limitless number of kids. To compare their growth, plot them all together.
• Calculation of Body Mass Index (BMI). With WHO percentiles, and a BMI chart.
• Storage for external files. For data syncing, backup, and sharing, choose iCloud Drive or some other cloud service.

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