DoubleMap helps you keep track of bus routes in real-time, so you don’t waste time waiting at a bus stop. We understand how busy your day is.
DoubleMap bus tracking helps transit administrators keep track of their buses and shuttles. DoubleMap is used by CityBus of Lafayette, Indiana University (IU), Georgetown University, Bloomington Transit, University of Cincinnati (UC), and Columbia, Missouri, among others. More transit systems are being added all the time to DoubleMap.
- View buses in real-time on the map
- View specific routes and associated stops
- Check your current location if GPS is turned on.
- Check out the current bus system status for delays and diversions.
- The DoubleMap bus tracker mobile website is specially designed for Android devices, making it smoother than the original.
Final thoughts
Whether you’re just waiting for the bus or traveling to a meeting, DoubleMap is flexible enough to be used in practically any situation. You can check up on your bus routes and set up alerts to notify you when your bus arrives. You can also view similar services available in your area to help you navigate public transportation. And with the ability to sync your maps with Google Maps, you can explore the city while you’re on the go.