Big Button Box™ gives you OVER 100 individual BIG BUTTONS that let off the BEST BOOMING FUNNY SOUNDS!
There’s nothing more satisfying than touching awesome buttons and hearing extra-loud, over-amplified, ear-piercing sound effects… and Big Button Box is the fully-featured sound effects app that lets you do this over and over and over!
*** OVER 5,000 5-STAR REVIEWS! ***
* “One of my favorite apps!”
* “Awesome – This app is a must-buy!” J Lesko
* “I am enjoying this app WAY 2 MUCH!!!!! I can’t stop laughing” RAYdiant
* “This app is amazing. I’ve had it 2 years and never had a problem with it” TheLindoMan
* “If you like annoying people or just a good laugh, this is the app for you” Jaymandoo
– Over 100 Big Buttons!
– Three-button modes: Use them as big buttons or choose to play them from the menu in two different ways
– Sort the buttons into the order you want
– Pitch Warper: Shift the pitch of the sounds!
– Randomizer: Shuffles the buttons into new combinations!
The awesome big buttons included in Big Button Box are:
Dynamite, Ka-Ching, Alarm Clock, Buzzer, Scream, Gong, Bleep, Woo!, Service Bell, Jackpot, Game Show, Cat Call, Gunshot, Woohoo!, Applause, You Suck!, Alarm, Loser, Ha-ha!, Uh-oh, Dog, Cat, Truck Horn, Burp, Fart, Excuse Me!
Update 1: Crash, Yee-hah!, Vomit, Yes, Grenade, Shut-up!, Elephant, Laughter, Cough
Update 2: Oh Yeah!, Police, Monkey, No, Crickets, Boing, Whatever, Doorbell, Witch
Update 3: Jack Hammer, Karate, Oh Snap, Ooh La la, Oww, Whip, Splat, Scatch, You’re Fired, You Lose, Balloon Burst, Bomb, Boo, Fanfare, Evil Laugh, Rooster, Timer, Bo
Update 4: Oh Baby, Epic Fail, Jet, Grenade Launcher, TWSS, Crazy Laugh, Bingo, Gross, The Ref
Update 5: Rubber Ducky, Snore, Gimme Gimme, Pig, Aww Man!, Fail!, Hello, Goodbye, What?!
Update 6: Bullet, Kazoo, Really?, Freeze, OK, Busted!, Camera, Party Blower, Frog
Update 7: No Way, Uh Uh Uh, Oh My!, OMG, Crazy!, Congratulations, Merry Xmas!, Sleigh Bells, Happy New Year!
Update 8: Chainsaw, Rubber Chicken, Man Scream, Spit, Maybe, Bugle Call, Whoopee Cushion, Xylo, Clown Laugh
Update 9: Angry Cat, Good Morning, Bike Bell, Smoke Alarm, Go!, Bugle Charge, Baby Cry, Ewww!, Drum Roll
Update 10: Ahoy!, Yarr, Speed Metal, Sax Walk, Bullseye, Mm Mm Mmmm, Cartoon Rise, Cheater!, Drama