Winnie makes it simple for parents to find and get in touch with the top daycares, preschools, school-age programs, and other local childcare facilities. With a single tap, the app allows you to compare programs, search through more than 200K licensed childcare providers, and get in touch with them.
With Winnie, parents can:
+ View thorough details on every service provider, including pictures, costs, safety ratings from parents, and more. Additionally, you may narrow your search to display courses that have openings right now.
+ Get support for your homeschooling efforts and establish contacts with nearby organizations that provide older children with care and educational support.
+ Become a part of a supportive online community of parents, parents-to-be, and childcare professionals who exchange tips for managing each stage and age of parenthood.
With Winnie, providers can:
+ Log in to their Winnie account and get all their provider dashboard features straight in the app.
+ Access free tools that can help you grow your business. Join a helpful community: Immediately join a community of parents who can offer advice on everything from pregnancy to child care. You can use your Winnie page to post openings, add photos, respond to reviews, advertise, and fill your open spots. By sharing your insights and giving recommendations for your favorite spots, you may assist other parents.
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