The unit and currency converter app translate Imperial, Metric, weight, length, area, fuel, miles, power, time, pressure, speed, temperature, volume, and data.
Convert Units – Units Plus – Unit and Currency Converter – Metric to Imperial Conversion
Length, Power, Area, Currency (155 world currencies updated every 15 min.), Temperature, Time (days, weeks, hours, etc.), Data-computer data (byte, kilobyte, megabyte, etc.), Time (days, weeks, hours, etc.), Fuel-milage, Pressure, Speed, Temperature, Volume (dry and wet), and Weight-mass.
When the app is open, exchange rates for currency are downloaded once every 24 hours. A very minimal amount of data is used for each download. around 1–2 kb. Internet access is necessary. There are 155 currencies available; they are all represented by the national flags of their respective countries.