BUDGT will help you keep track of your Expenses in a very simple way and tell you how much money you can spend each day, taking in account what you have already spent during the current month.
Apple Watch Extension
? Enter your expenses without taking out your phone
? Enter your daily Expenses
? Let BUDGT take care of all the math behind it
? See every day how much you can spend
Easy Saving
? By seeing how much you can spend every day you will automatically spend less.
? The variable Daily Budget will open your eyes to your financial situation from day to day.
? Create your very own Budget with monthly recurring or one-time incomes and expenses.
? Create and manage your own Categories.
? Set your own Reminders to never forget to keep track.
The Big Picture
? Month End Projection to see where you stand.
? Month Budget showing you how much money you have left this month.
? Edit already passed days.
? Scroll through passed month to compare.
Easy Currencies
? By not using defined currencies, BUDGT allows for easy travelling!
? Activate the Travel Mode and BUDGT will take care of conversions for you without you even noticing.
Apple Watch App
? Quickly add expenses without taking out your phone