You can find everything you need at your fingertips using AliExpress’ online shopping app!
From home to health, from tech to toys, from sports to shoes, and from fashion to everything new, you can shop daily for the best products at the best prices. Don’t forget about our daily specials! You can get the best products at the best prices by swiping.
- Over 100 million quality items, all with competitive prices, are available.
- Over 200 countries and regions are supported by the app, which is available in 18 languages.
- 24/7 customer support and buyer defense are popular payment methods.
Language Support
Our app is available in nine different languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Bahasa Indonesian, Thai, Italian, German, French, Hebrew, Korean, Polish, Dutch, Arabic, Vietnamese, Japanese, and Ukrainian.
Currency Support
Our app presently supports eight payment currencies (Euros, US Dollars, Canadian Dollars, Australian Dollars, Japanese Yen, British Pound, Russian Roubles, and Swedish Kronor). In addition, browsing is available for six more currencies (Brazilian Real, Indian Rupee, Ukrainian Hryvnia, Indonesian Rupiah, Mexican Peso, and Turkish Lira).
- Millions of trendy and unique products
- Easy search – so you can find what you want quickly
- Coupons, discounts, flash & super deals so you’ll always get the best price
- Free shipping on over 75% of our products
- Order management & automatic shipment notifications
- Buyer Protection on all your purchases
- Secure online payments
- Personalized feeds with products are picked especially for you.
AliExpress is the easiest way to save money while shopping online. You can find everything you need at your fingertips using AliExpress!
From home to health, from tech to toys, from sports to shoes, and from fashion to everything new, you can shop daily for the best products at the best prices. Don’t forget about our daily specials! You can get the best products at the best prices by swiping.
This app has been selected for Best Apps for Online Shoppers.